Chromjuwelen Motor Öl X Lowly Gentlemen & StanceWorks

Andrew, Michael — we feel more than honored to see Chromjuwelen Motor Öl featured on The Lowly Gentlemen and StanceWorks! Now it is up to us to get our classic oil shipped in an orderable amount to the US.

In this context: We are still in search for an US distribution partner. If anybody reads this who could help us — shoot us an email! In the meantime: Chromjuwelen Motor Öl can be ordered here.


Chromjuwelen Motor Öl Debut At Techno Classica Essen


What an experience. A few days ago we had our Chromjuwelen Motor Öl debut at the famous Techno Classica, the legendary "Klassik Weltmesse" in Essen. And it was AWESOME.

Our big THANK YOU! goes to our friends Michael Schade and Wolfgang Prostka from OETTINGER Sportwagen, with whom we teamed up for our booth. And to Ulla & Mathias Jahn of "FUNC. functional furniture etc" — for sending us their unbelievable furniture. And — of course — to all our friends who visited us.

We had a very entertaining week. But the best thing ever were the confused faces of all those, who thought Chromjuwelen Motor Öl is just another marketing fake.

No. Chromjuwelen Motor Öl is not just another internet hipster gimmick. It's just the best custom tailored motor oil you can get for your classic engine. For all details visit To order your set (15W-40, 20W-50), pay a visit. And if you are a reseller — drop us a line!

Chromjuwelen Motor Öl, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker Chromjuwelen Motor Öl, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker

Chromjuwelen Motor Öl X Oldieklinik Bruckner (Austria)

It's official — we just teamed up with our first partner in Austria: Bruckner's Oldieklinik. For us it's a major honour, especially as Otto Mathé, the builder of the famous Porsche-based "Fetzenflieger"and the racing legend who developed the additive (Mathé® Classic), came from Innsbruck, Austria. 

Sorta homecoming.


Chromjuwelen Motor Öl: Top Gear Magazine, Petrolicious

I love my inbox (not). I just rediscovered this photo Clemens Gleich ( sent me — over a month ago. The reason why I turned my back to my inbox (and overlooked this Top Gear Magazine photo) is we shut ourselves away to build a brandnew Chromjuwelen Motor Öl website, which you might have seen already. If not — shazam, HERE IT IS

You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. Ok, and while we're on it, I forgot to say thank you to Wrenchmonkees as well. Darn, I am an idiot ... 

Well, with this one I will be much faster: our soulmates from Petrolicious just presented our tailor mad engine oil to their audience — thank you very much, Barmak!


Chromjuwelen Motor Öl: Print

ramg Magazin 2012

Wallpaper Magazine 2012

Elle Dezember 2012

Edition – Das Werte Magazin (Nummer 3, 2012)

auto revue 2012

Street Magazine (November 2012)

PowerGlide Magazine 2012

Eigen Huis & Interieur (November 2012)

Volkswagen Fleet MagazineWhen we thought first about "Chromjuwelen Products", our intention was create products which embody a certain type of lifestyle. The mixture of Chromjuwelen Motor Öl in print — auto revueEditionElle, Eigen Huis & Interieur, Fleet Magazine, PowerGlide, ramp, Street MagazineWallpaper Magazine — shows we reached that target. Yeah!

Chromjuwelen Motor Öl can be ordered here. If you are looking for some further information about Chromjuwelen Motor Öl, follow this link.


Where The Wild Things Are: Our Latest Stockists

Red Wing Store (Hamburg)

Red Wing Store (Hamburg)

Red Wing Store (Hamburg)

Oettinger Sportwagen (Hamburg)

Burg & Schild (Berlin)

Burg & Schild (Berlin)

Oldtimer-Tankstelle (Hamburg)

Oldtimer-Tankstelle (Hamburg)

FUNC. functional furniture etc (Feldafing)

FUNC. functional furniture etc (Feldafing)

Previous articles like "In The Wild" and our Facebook-Page (make sure you follow it!) are already listing some of our stockists: Rider's Room Hamburg, Prototyp Museum Hamburg, Oldtimer Tankstelle Hamburg. In the meantime we teamed up with some more specialists, as shown above. We are very proud to introduce:

In this regard we would like to thank one person: Tobias "To" Pflug – as not only for showcasing our Chromjuwelen Motor Öl in the Red Wing Store Hamburg and consulting us, but also for providing us with his very valuable contacts.


In The Wild: Chromjuwelen Motor Öl

The other day we made our debut with our Chromjuwelen Motor Öl. In the wild, at the Oldtimer Park Hamburg. We are still thrilled, to be honest. It is a huge difference to see a ton of your products at one place, after you played around for a long time with a handful of home-made dummies. Wow.

As well we were priviledged to shoot some campaign images at the Prototyp Museum Hamburg, where the "Fetzenflieger" lives — Otto Mathé's famous racecar we are showing on our label. As I wrote before – if you will ever be in Hamburg, make sure to pay the museum a visit. It is gorgeous. And — btw —the Prototyp Museum sells Chromjuwelen Motor Öl ...

I would like to thank some people: 

At the moment we are working hard on shipping the Chromjuwelen Motor Öl to our stockists and finishing our "Online Store". Tragically one thing turned out to be more tricky than we thought: shipping the oil to the States. The freight charges kill us. So — if somebody reads this who wants to act as an distributor — please shoot us an email!


Chromjuwelen Motor Öl: Ready To Ship

Finally. We just launched an online store – which means Chromjuwelen Motor Öl is ready to ship.

At you will be able to order our products via a fulfillment partner next to you. At the moment we are looking for a partner in the US – as we are getting overwhelmed with inquiries. If you have got an idea who might be a perfect partner for our Chromjuwelen Motor Öl – don't hesitate to shoot us an email!

@ the rest – what'cha waiting for!


Chromjuwelen Motor Öl: THANK YOU!

It seems we did something properly – as we are getting such a tremendous feedback. We are turning as red as a beet and would like to say THANK YOU to everybody who is supporting us!

I am sure there is more on it's way — I will update this article regularly.

A special THANK YOU goes to Oliver Schmidt and Thomas König, as they are not only supporting us with Otto Mathé's "Fetzenflieger" for our packaging, but also opening their awesome Prototyp Museum Hamburg for our shootings. If you ever come to Germany — make sure you will visit their beautiful museum!
