Clients & Projects, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker Clients & Projects, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker

Continental and Chromjuwelen at the IBM Social Business JamCamp

I just had the honor of being one of the keynote speakers at the IBM Sociel Business JamCamp. Yep — IBM. My job: presenting our Continental Brand Ambassadorship, which we hold since over a year. And explaining how we use "Social Media". 

It was very interesting. We are used to present our work to potential partners, but this was our first time we showcased our work in a completely differnt "social" context. Just in case you are interested — here are my (German) slides.

Oh, btw, thanks for the picture, Nicole!

En Route, Clients & Projects, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker En Route, Clients & Projects, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker

Mercedes-Benz: COMAND Online Apps


A few weeks ago Mercedes-Benz invited my wife — who works as a contributing editor for an UK based lifestyle magazine for over ten years now — to Palo Alto. For those who aren't familiar with all the interwebs tech talk: Palo Alto is kind of the epicenter of all the Silicon Valley high-technology companies, including Hewlett-Packard, Tesla Motors, Facebook and Google. When Mercedes-Benz founded the Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America, Inc. in 1994, the headquarter in Palo Alto was the first Research & Development Center of an automotive company in Silicon Valley.

Mercedes-Benz invited selected media people to provide insight into their latest tweaks of their multimedia System "COMAND Online". Only a few months after the launch of the new multimedia generation, Mercedes-Benz is extending the range of integrated apps: new apps for Facebook, for Google Streetview and Google Panoramio will be available for COMAND Online from this autumn. Additional apps which have already been introduced are Google Local Search and Weather and the facility for downloading a route which has previously been configured on a PC using Google Maps and transmitted to the car.

Over a dozen additional apps are planned in the medium term. These are currently under development, in some instances in collaboration with innovative start-ups such as the US talk radio operator Stitcher, the Twitter short message service and the popular music providers Pandora in the USA or Aupeo in Germany, for example. The new apps will be usable by all customers who drive a Mercedes-Benz with COMAND Online and will be provided by Mercedes-Benz via the so called Daimler Backend Server — so customers can update their COMAND Online without going to a Mercedes-Benz dealer. An overview specifying the telephones on which the COMAND Online apps can be used is available at the website

For sure, I am not the target group — as I use all those apps already on my mobile phone. But for everyone else, who is not such a nerd as I am, this is just a perfect way to get hands on the mobile internet.

Err ... wait a second ... can I jailbreak it?


Mercedes-Benz & Friends, Berlin Tempelhof

Prior to their huge "Mercedes-Benz & Friends" event in Berlin Tempelhof we had the privilege of discussing with Mercedes-Benz what it takes to be a "cool" (Young Classics) brand. The meeting took place in a small circle in their stunning Berlin Gallery. As we usually travel long distancies in our 1970 Mercedes-Benz W 109 we might be a little prejudiced regarding that question ...

Just hit one of the images above to visit our "Mercedes-Benz & Friends" gallery.


Mercedes-Benz Brand Workshop

A couple of days ago, we were invited by Mercedes-Benz for a "brand workshop". We had a fabulous guided tour through the stunning Mercedes-Benz Museum, visited the design department and test drove a lot of cars. Just follow this link for more pictures.

The first car we tested — voluntarily — was the Smart Electric Drive. We had a lot of discussions regarding this car recently, so it was a good opportunity to form our own opinion. Um ... well ... interesting. But to be honest: most fun we had with the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG. I think we can't hide our origin. The Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG is a wonderful beast.


Techno Classica Essen 2011

1972 General Tire International Harvester Scout II

Needs some tlc. Opel Rekord Limousine

1955 Flajole Forerunner

"I cruised the Reeperbahn" - Peter "Monsti" Theobold (Fusseltuning)

1928 Opel Raketen-Motorrad

Mercedes: Bertha's Benz (Motorwagen)

Bitter SC

Quote: "If the raver's dream is the Loveparade, the petrol head's dream is the Techno Classica."

Word. We just have brought our 1972 General Tire International Harveseter Scout II to the booth of our colleagues from Street Magazine and took some pictures. Hit one of the images above to see them all

Clients & Projects, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker Clients & Projects, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker

General Tire Ad

Wow. It still works. We just found out we are still able to work for dead tree media. Although we hang on the interwebs 24/7.

This is our latest ad we did for General Tire Germany. The ad—photo taken by Dirk "Pixeleye" Behlau during our trip to the General Tire Mint 400 2010—will be published in the german Street Magazine. It promotes our 1972 General Tire International Harvester Scout II as well, which we will bring to the Baja 300 Powerdays. Meet us there!


Sneak Preview: NASCAR Hall of Fame

On our way to the Continental Tire Challenge and Rolex 24 at Daytona (GRAND-AM) we stopped at the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte to meet Buz McKim. Buz gives us a brief overview on the NASCAR history. For a "NASCAR Hall of Fame"-gallery hit on of the images above. Or just use this link

This is a sneak preview—we will publish a full coverage of our latest trip soon. 
