Techno Classica Essen 2011

1972 General Tire International Harvester Scout II

Needs some tlc. Opel Rekord Limousine

1955 Flajole Forerunner

"I cruised the Reeperbahn" - Peter "Monsti" Theobold (Fusseltuning)

1928 Opel Raketen-Motorrad

Mercedes: Bertha's Benz (Motorwagen)

Bitter SC

Quote: "If the raver's dream is the Loveparade, the petrol head's dream is the Techno Classica."

Word. We just have brought our 1972 General Tire International Harveseter Scout II to the booth of our colleagues from Street Magazine and took some pictures. Hit one of the images above to see them all

Clients & Projects, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker Clients & Projects, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker

General Tire Ad

Wow. It still works. We just found out we are still able to work for dead tree media. Although we hang on the interwebs 24/7.

This is our latest ad we did for General Tire Germany. The ad—photo taken by Dirk "Pixeleye" Behlau during our trip to the General Tire Mint 400 2010—will be published in the german Street Magazine. It promotes our 1972 General Tire International Harvester Scout II as well, which we will bring to the Baja 300 Powerdays. Meet us there!
