Clients & Projects, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker Clients & Projects, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker

Chromjuwelen En Route: Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Dubai

The most stupid mistake you ever can make? Buy a typical "needs some TLC" and "runs and drives" car and hope it will take you from A to B. Ha – we just did that. Deliberately. In our case A is Los Angeles, B stands for Las Vegas. And the car is a 1964 Chrysler Imperial Crown. Mopar or no car.

We are in preparation for take-off. Our mission is to shoot another Chromjuwelen Road Movie. Destinations: Los Angeles (October 31 till November 2), Las Vegas (SEMA Show; November 3-6), Dubai (Dubai Motor Show; November 7-12). Motto: Continental Extreme.

If you are interested how far the Imp' will take us – or if wanna join us – just hook up on our Instagram, Tumblr or Twitter. Btw, we are still looking for car culture stories in Dubai (underground, drift, off-road). Unfortunately our contact to Dubai is broken down. If you have got a tip, just shoot us an email!
