Future of Mobility Ralf Becker Future of Mobility Ralf Becker

„Und was fährst Du so?“

Fahrzeuge sind die besten Vehikel, um öffentlich Haltung zu zeigen. Das gilt nicht nur für motorgetriebene Fahrzeuge, sondern für jegliche Fortbewegungsmittel. Nichts ist anarchistischer als ein Fahrrad ohne Bremsen. Mit nichts kann man kreativer sein als mit einem Skateboard. Nichts ist mehr vulgäres Statussymbol, martialische Trutzburg oder Safe Space als ein Automobil. Und keine Haltung ist auch eine Haltung.

Arthur Heisler & Jochen Mass, Mercedes-Benz

Fahrzeuge sind die besten Vehikel, um öffentlich Haltung zu zeigen. Das gilt nicht nur für motorgetriebene Fahrzeuge, sondern für jegliche Fortbewegungsmittel. Nichts ist anarchistischer als ein Fahrrad ohne Bremsen. Mit nichts kann man kreativer sein als mit einem Skateboard. Nichts ist mehr vulgäres Statussymbol, martialische Trutzburg oder Safe Space als ein Automobil. Und keine Haltung ist auch eine Haltung.

Als Chris und ich 2005 die Chromjuwelen-Community und das gleichnamige Online-Magazin starteten, war unser Interesse daran, warum jemand welches Fahrzeug fährt, einer der ausschlaggebenden Gründe. Neu oder alt? Original oder modifiziert? Was hat das mit welcher Kultur zu tun?

Unsere eigene Haltung bescherte uns die unterschiedlichsten Marketing- und Medienpartnerschaften. Wir waren an internationalen Produktionen beteiligt und übernahmen Aufgaben als Kurator, Moderator und Markenbotschafter. Haltung polarisiert, inspiriert – und verkauft.

Heute, nach 20 Jahren, herrscht im Bereich Automotive und Mobilität mehr Unsicherheit, Misstrauen, Fremdscham und Stigmatisierung denn je. Darf ich mich für Autos überhaupt noch begeistern? Und wenn ja, mit welchem Antrieb? Und ist Besitz eigentlich noch opportun?

Es macht keinen Spaß, der Automobilindustrie noch länger dabei zuzusehen, wie substantielle Werte und Vertrauen erodieren. Wir brauchen wieder viel mehr Inspiration. Wir brauchen wieder Respekt, und zwar in beide Richtungen: der Industrie und dem Kunden gegenüber. Wir brauchen mehr Marketing, das gestaltet und Mut macht – und nicht nur das Erbe verwaltet.

JETZT ist der richtige Moment, um wieder Haltung zu zeigen. Haltung ist der Schlüssel – mehr denn je. Und dabei heißt Haltung übrigens nicht, dass man es allen recht machen muss. Das haben wir mit den Chromjuwelen gelernt.

P.S.: Und wir brauchen mehr Formate wie Reload Land von Maximilian Funk.

Clients & Projects, Books & Magazines Ralf Becker Clients & Projects, Books & Magazines Ralf Becker

Mercedes-Benz DESIGN Exterieur


If you are intersted in Mercedes-Benz design, you'll love "Mercedes-Benz DESIGN Exterieur". Of course — the new S-Class is the focus. But in another large chapter the book's authors devote themselves to the history of Mercedes-Benz design.

Btw, the illustrated book published on the occasion of the world premiere of the new S-Class is recipient of the coveted red dot award: communication design 2013. The illustrated book is available in the Mercedes-Benz Museum Shop or from ISS DEBEOS STUDIOS (German and English; EUR 98,– (plus shipping charges)).

Congratulation, Mercedes-Benz — and many thanks for sending over the book!

En Route, Clients & Projects, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker En Route, Clients & Projects, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker

The new Mercedes-Benz S-Class

"Hamburg, May 15, 2013. This evening, the new flagship for luxurious motoring landed in Hamburg on board an Airbus A300-600 DHL cargo plane. Mercedes-Benz had the new S-Class flown in exclusively from its birthplace in Stuttgart for its world premiere at Airbus in Finkenwerder.

At the delivery centre for the Airbus A380, the world's largest passenger aircraft and a benchmark in travel comfort, Mercedes-Benz unveiled its new luxury saloon in front of around 750 international guests from the worlds of politics, industry and media. Flanked by the 20 current Mercedes-Benz models and musically accompanied by the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra, the new top-of-the-line model from Stuttgart rolled across the tarmac as part of a spectacular show.

In a dazzling display, it took up its position at the head of the Mercedes-Benz family and drove onto the stage with its first passenger, the global superstar Alicia Keys."


Even after a couple of days, it's hard to find the right words. Although I am personally not a fan of high tech stuffed cars, the new S-Class with it's three engineering priorities "Intelligent Drive", "Efficient Technology" and "Essence of Luxury", extends the boundaries of technology on many levels.

Not to mention the fact Mercedes-Benz threw a mind-blowing party. Five German star-rated chefs specialising in different culinary styles each cooked their own dish, Alicia Keys had come specially to Hamburg just a few days ahead of the start of her European tour. And with 19 musicians under conductor Prof. Johannes Schild, the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra played various pieces that had been specially composed for the world premiere of the S-Class by the internationally successful film composer Marius Ruhland.

Chapeau, Mercedes-Benz.

En Route, Clients & Projects, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker En Route, Clients & Projects, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker

Two Car Shows On Two Continents In Five Days


Mercedes-Benz Ener-G-Force


Mercedes-Benz Ener-G-Force


Wolfgang Würth, smart electric bike


smart electric bikes, Niketown, Beverly Hills


The Jim Henson Company, smart forjeremy


Jet-lagged and tipsy: Mathias "MC Winkel" Winks and some muppet


James Bond Aston Martin DB5 Coupé, LA Auto Show 2012


Decadent lunch with Marcel Winatschek (Amy & Pink), David Fischer (Highsnobiety) and Mathias Winks (Whudat)


"A brand is your friend" — Word.


Slammed W108 with mascara (caption borrowed from Clemens Gleich)


Now, with a Chromjuwelen branding, this Opel Kadett is worth over a million. No — wait: Five millions.


Bon appétit!

Yes, you can. You can visit two car shows (LA Auto Show, Essen Motor Show), three world premieres (Mercedes-AMG SLS AMG Coupé Black Series, Mercedes-Benz Ener-G-Force, smart forjeremy) and several parties in five days. Here's a quick journal:

  • Tuesday, November 27th (early): HAM-FRA-LAX

  • Tuesday, November 27th: Arrival Los Angeles

  • Tuesday, November 27th: Beverly Hills on smart electric bikes

  • Tuesday, November 27th: Presentation Mercedes-Benz Ener-G-Force

  • Tuesday, November 27th: Presentation smart forjeremy at the Jim Henson Company

  • Wednesday, November 28th: LA Motor Show

  • Wednesday, November 28th: Santa Monica

  • Wednesday, November 28th: Departure (LAX-MUC-DUS)

  • Tuesday, November 29th: Arrival in DUS

  • Tuesday, November 29th: Dinner with Chem-Tools

  • Friday, November 30th: Essen Motor Show 2012, meetings

  • Friday, November 30th: AUTO BILD Race Night

  • Saturday, December 1st: Essen Motor Show 2012, meetings

  • Saturday, December 1st (late): Back in Hamburg

  • Sunday, December 2nd: BRAINDEAD

  • Monday, December 3rd: BRAINDEAD

What I learned: You need a really good condition (err ... really?). And some good friends, who help you.

I would like to thank Mercedes-Benz/smart for the hospitality, Klaus Rasch for saving me from the police in Santa Monica, Thomas Backe and Dieter Hofem for picking me up in DUS, Manfred Prescher and Stefan Müller for the wonderful Race Night — and DOTZ/AEZ for gallons of coffee.

And not to forget — thank you David Fischer (Highsnobiety), Mathias "MC Winkel" Winks (Whudat), Marcel Winatschek (Amy & Pink), Michael Kaune (QVEST) and Matthias Arens (Quality) for teaching me lessons in "Lifestyle, Ego-Blogging and Fashion"!


Chromjuwelen Électrique: Full Version & Bonus Videos

Not all that long ago we made a self-attempt: we eBay-ed a 1964 Imperial Crown and drove it from Los Angeles to Las Vegas – and back to Los Angeles. As you can imagine, we had a blast. You will find the video here. This time we switched to the other extreme: We travelled in a smart fortwo electric drive from Paris to Le Mans (Classic). Yup. Battery-driven. Of course – we know this electrified fellow isn't made for long distances. Even worse – we knew it will not be easy to find enough charging stations. But hey, that exactly was the challenge. If anybody of us speaks fluent French? Er ... no.

My favorite scene? Arthur's tribute to Stephen Brooks and all the dubstep video jockeys at 09:38.

Chromjuwelen Électrique features:


  • Edvard Grieg

  • "Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46 - I. Morning" (performed by Musopen Symphony Orchestra)

  • musopen.org

All filming & editing: Faust & Heisler. For a full (German) Travelogue visit chromjuwelen.com.


Chromjuwelen Électrique: Are Friends Electric?

Not all that long ago we made a self-attempt: we eBay-ed a 1964 Imperial Crown and drove it from Los Angeles to Las Vegas – and back to Los Angeles. As you can imagine, we had a blast.

Now it is time for another self-attempt. But this time we will change to the other extreme: We will travel in a smart fortwo electric drive from Paris to Le Mans (Classic). Yup. Battery-driven.

Of course – we know this electrified fellow isn't made for long distances. Even worse – we know it will not be easy to find enough charging stations. But hey, that exactly is the challenge.

Our aim is to shoot another "Chromjuwelen En Route" video. This is why we are accompanied by our friends faust & heisler. If anybody of us speaks fluent French? Er ... no.

Our first appointments will be with our French soulmates from the Blenheim Gang – since we are in France, we have to learn more about "Français Moteur Culture". And if you do not follow the Blenheim Gang yet – do it now.

Btw, "follow" – stay in contact with us via Twitter, Instagram (Chromjuwelen), Tumblr or the time-waster social network!

(Image borrowed from Mercedes-Fans.de)


Note to self: Get a Benzo Rod

I think it is obvious we have tremendous respect for the hot rod spirit. There is a simple reason for that: We are living in Germany. Well, on the one hand Deutschland has all its fingers in every pie regarding all worldwide highest desirable automotive brands – Audi, BMW (MINI, Rolls Royce), Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Volkswagen (Bugatti, Bentley, Lamborghini) –, but if you think about a unique culture which is driven by passion and individuals … there is none. At least not if you compare it to the American hot rod culture, which started in the late 1930s.

Maybe we Germans are overall too square to respect people who modify their vehicles by themselves, maybe the creativity which is needed to build a car to one's wishes is not valuated that high. Not to mention the fact that the whole trailer-queen adoring and producing tuner society in Germany gets seriously derided for their work. For a good reason, btw, if you ask me – they should rather prove their competence by building street legal race cars instead of distorted plastic funfair sculptures

Ok. I run off the track. In the early days of Chromjuwelen.com we featured a 1952 Mercedes-Benz W 191 170 Sb, which got rodded by Heiko Sude. At the Race 61 in Finowfurt we ran into Niko Kahn's chopped and channeled Mercedes-Benz W 189 300 d "Adenauer". In the meantime Ingo Recktenwald debuted with his 1939 Mercedes-Benz W 136 170 V. And a few days ago our friends form the excellent Stipistop presented us another Mercedes-Benz 170 S hot rod.

Enough already. I am hooked. I want a Mercedes-Benz hot rod. With a supercharged AMG M113 5.4 L "Hammer" V8. Or – even better – with a 7.3 L V12 SL 73 AMG V12. You think this would is blasphemy? No. It would not. This would be the perfect German Engineered hot rod. 

(Please hit the images for additional information)
