Chromjuwelen Électrique: Full Version & Bonus Videos

Not all that long ago we made a self-attempt: we eBay-ed a 1964 Imperial Crown and drove it from Los Angeles to Las Vegas – and back to Los Angeles. As you can imagine, we had a blast. You will find the video here. This time we switched to the other extreme: We travelled in a smart fortwo electric drive from Paris to Le Mans (Classic). Yup. Battery-driven. Of course – we know this electrified fellow isn't made for long distances. Even worse – we knew it will not be easy to find enough charging stations. But hey, that exactly was the challenge. If anybody of us speaks fluent French? Er ... no.

My favorite scene? Arthur's tribute to Stephen Brooks and all the dubstep video jockeys at 09:38.

Chromjuwelen Électrique features:


  • Edvard Grieg

  • "Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, Op. 46 - I. Morning" (performed by Musopen Symphony Orchestra)


All filming & editing: Faust & Heisler. For a full (German) Travelogue visit


Chromjuwelen Électrique: Are Friends Electric?

Not all that long ago we made a self-attempt: we eBay-ed a 1964 Imperial Crown and drove it from Los Angeles to Las Vegas – and back to Los Angeles. As you can imagine, we had a blast.

Now it is time for another self-attempt. But this time we will change to the other extreme: We will travel in a smart fortwo electric drive from Paris to Le Mans (Classic). Yup. Battery-driven.

Of course – we know this electrified fellow isn't made for long distances. Even worse – we know it will not be easy to find enough charging stations. But hey, that exactly is the challenge.

Our aim is to shoot another "Chromjuwelen En Route" video. This is why we are accompanied by our friends faust & heisler. If anybody of us speaks fluent French? Er ... no.

Our first appointments will be with our French soulmates from the Blenheim Gang – since we are in France, we have to learn more about "Français Moteur Culture". And if you do not follow the Blenheim Gang yet – do it now.

Btw, "follow" – stay in contact with us via Twitter, Instagram (Chromjuwelen), Tumblr or the time-waster social network!

(Image borrowed from

Design & Art, Video, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker Design & Art, Video, CHROMJUWELEN Ralf Becker

Faust & Heisler: Herr Fischer bittet zu Tisch


For more then two years photographer Jo Fischer is touring Germany with his project "Herr Fischer bittet zu Tisch". He invites people to take a seat at his table, arranging characteristic pictures of people within seconds - and with one shot only. Already more than 1.800 guests sat at the always same wooden table in front of plain backcloth. Since the beginning, the setting (table & background) has been arranged in more than 20 cities in Germany and Switzerland. This project is an ongoing process, and is planned to visit many other places and possibly countries in the future. From housewifes to kids, rockers & burlesque dancers, blue- or white-collar workers: Everybody is invited to bring their own personality to the table. The results are a a cross section through society as portraits in black & white. On April 28, 2012 "Herr Fischer bittet zu Tisch" was arranged at the Hamburger Deichtorhallen as part of the "Lange Nacht der Museen" ("Night of the Museums"), and while thousands of people visited this event, between 8 p.m. and midnight over 150 of them took the opportunity and sat down at Jo's table, getting their photo taken - and taking a printout with them right away. faust&heisler accompanied Jo the whole day long, documenting a busy and crazy day in the life of "Herr Fischer bittet zu Tisch". Music by szdl "batteries", "glass" taken from the slow EP

Jo Fischer // Photographer and Rock´n Roller! He invited us to sit at his table for his project "Herr Fischer bittet zu Tisch" We couldn´t resist to follow the invitation and make a film about this event which is about to come soon. While shooting he showed his true rock´n rollers soul and sang this song for us which we just have to share with you.

It is a major honor for me to have friends like Jo Fischer, Jörg Heikhaus, Arthur Heisler and Tobias Faust. Guys, I am not sure you really know how much your work inspires me. Mr. Heisler, Mr. Faust: Awesome video portrait – can't wait to work a lot more with you. Mr. Fischer: Get yourself some kneepads. 

Please visit their websites as well:,,
