Chromjuwelen Motor Öl: Top Gear Magazine, Petrolicious
I love my inbox (not). I just rediscovered this photo Clemens Gleich ( sent me — over a month ago. The reason why I turned my back to my inbox (and overlooked this Top Gear Magazine photo) is we shut ourselves away to build a brandnew Chromjuwelen Motor Öl website, which you might have seen already. If not — shazam, HERE IT IS.
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. Ok, and while we're on it, I forgot to say thank you to Wrenchmonkees as well. Darn, I am an idiot ...
Well, with this one I will be much faster: our soulmates from Petrolicious just presented our tailor mad engine oil to their audience — thank you very much, Barmak!
- Books & Magazines 2
- Branding & Communication 7
- Chromjuwelen Motor Öl 14
- Clients & Projects 50
- Design & Art 4
- En Route 23
- Family & Friends 5
- Future of Mobility 1
- Hookie 2
- Penz13 1
- Photography 10
- Strategy & Execution 9
- Video 16
- Web Find 1
- Where's The Beef? 5
- mediadeck 1
- mindworks 1